Ivy League Homeschooling

     Not everybody can go to Harvard...but anyone with a little ambition and a functioning internet connection can spend this shutdown taking Harvard courses at no cost.

Access to Hahvahd Yahd obviously not included.

      The online education hub edX offers a wide range of courses from the likes of MIT, UC Berkeley, the Sorbonne, Dartmouth, and more. Yale is even offering up its most popular course --"The Science of Well-Being" -- for free. When was the last time you could access science, happiness, and the Ivy League for $0?

     Even better, most of these courses have deadlines that are either flexible or non-existent. Those who would like a credential for their trouble can pay a fee (typically less than $100) to get a certificate of completion. ("So, what did you do during the shutdown?" / "Oh you know, made bread, watched a lot of Netflix...studied at Yale...")


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